Category Archives: fresh hops

From Roses to Fresh Hops, RipeLocker can Double the Shelf-Life of Some High-Value Crops

From edible coatings and ethylene scavengers to modified atmosphere packaging, irradiation and cold plasma, there are multiple ways to extend the shelf-life of perishables, each with their pros and cons, says RipeLocker, which has a novel approach it claims can double the shelf-life of some high-value crops. Cofounded by George Lobisser and his son Kyle […]

Incredible Quality in Fresh Amarillo® Hops Received One Week After Harvest Via Ground Shipment in RipeLockers 

Seattle, WA, September 13, 2022 – Normally, brewers located within one day of driving distance from where fresh hops are grown rush to pick up fresh hops within hours of harvest and plan to brew within twelve hours after pickup. Brewers located beyond one day’s driving distance are forced to air freight the hops. RipeLockers […]