Tag Archives: supply chain

Promising Results in USDA Disinfestation Trials Using RipeLockers to Control Spotted-Wing Drosophila

Seattle, WA, September 6, 2022 – RipeLocker broadens the use of its innovative system for senescence control and decay suppressant of perishables, to eliminate invasive fruit flies without the application of postharvest fumigants such as methyl bromide or required cold treatments at the port of loading. Disinfestation trials are being conducted by RipeLocker’s research partners […]

CEO, George Lobisser Pulls Back the Curtain on RipeLocker’s Features, Advantages, and Benefits

SEATTLE, WA – When a new technology hits the market in our industry, the big question is: Will this just add to the costs on our income statement, and what exactly is the ROI? Fair, very fair—especially during a moment in time when inflation is a constant concern and the cost of doing business only […]

What’s Being Done to Tighten Up the Supply Chain in the Food Industry

The current state of postharvest, as is often the case, revolves around three food issues — safety, quality, and waste. And then there is the current state of the world. “All these pressing issues in our pandemic world are accelerating investment in innovations for the postharvest packinghouse,” Ernest “Boomer” Cardinale, U.S. Director of Marketing and […]